Thursday, August 22, 2013

A Brief Introduction to RCSI Second Med

Assalamualaikum and good day guys,
First and foremost, congratulations guys and welcome to second med!! :)

Some of you have been asking me some questions regarding the second year lately (I like the spirit, keep it up guys). And so, I'll try my best to put as much information as I couldd from my experience last year, and seniors you are too invited to add some more informations as well. 
Basically if you ask what's important for the secod year students, most likey you're asking what reference books are nedded right? and some might be like is stethoscope needed? and so on. And so, to make it simple I will put the things needed according to modules in JC3 and IC1. here we go :)

Junior Cycle 3
many of you might have heard this, JC3 is gonna be a very relax semester. Yes indeed it is quite relaxed as compared to JC1 and JC2 but DO NOT take it for granted (this is a warning). it looks like that 'cause you'll have only three modules as compared to five in the previous semesters. 

NeuroscienceNeuroscience is just like your CVR, and NM modules. (consisting of Physiology, anatomy, pharmacology, psychiatry, etc). These are the books you should consider to buy if you want for this modules;
1) Cranial Nerve functional Anatomy - Stanley Monkhouse (a small book but pricey) 
2) An illustrated colour text Neuroanatomy - A.R Crossman, D. Neary(ICT)

These two are enough I think, should you master these two books. you wont have any problem with this module. :) To be honest, I realized these two book are really helpful quite late. I didn't finish read them all and I regretted it. These books are not compulsory though, lecture notes are awesome and quite enough too. (Gloves are still needed for anatomy:-p)

Evidence based health and Population Interantional Health (EBH/PIH)
I'm sure you've heard about this modules. This is a new kind of module from what you've had in the first year. it's more like HBS and PSQ. You'll learn some theories (statistics, research and ethics) and these theories usually are not asked directly in the exams, you have to know how to use them in order to answer questions asked. so, Don't leave it to the very last minute. I know it's quite boring but treat it equally as you do for Neuroscience and Clinical competence. it's gonna be okay believe me. 

I don't use any reference books for this; but remember in every lecture notes, they also have footnotes (some additional notes .i.e. explanation to some the thories, their applications are included). Don't forget them. And also, some documents are also attached to the lecture notes, do read them (it's a lot but read as much as you can, again don't wait till the very last minute). some people might use some books though for reference but I dont think it's necessary. Don't forget to look at some past year papers for this modules, familiarize yourself to the kind of questions they will aks in the exams.

Clinical CompetenceA very interesting module. what you need is just attend all the classes and tutorials. Practice with your friends how to take history from a patient and do some physical examinations on them. Reference books; any introductory books to history taking and physical examination would be okay. Sthetoscope (you might not need them in your second year but it's okay to prepare them earlier since you'll be using them later too. :)

Intermediate Cycle 1
waah, you guys must be waiting for this right? I was too. Going to the hospital with formal attire everyday, feels like you're one step closer to becoming a doctor. what a feeling. but (jangan hangat-hangat tahi ayam je tau), Do attend classes in Beaumont hospital everyday, it's really really improtant. Formal attire; girls sorry I dont know how formal is formal for you guys but for boys, wear as sharp as you could possibly be :-P (shirts, ties, trousers and shoes).

Reference books you might consider to buy, they are not compulsory. but use it if you are to buy them. They are good but you just dont have time to read them sometimes. butDO READ them. 1)  Clinical Microbiology made ridiculously simple - Mark Gladwin (I dont really recommend it, some people might though.  'cause your lecture notes are amazing, but sadly no picture will be shown in your lecture notes thus you need some reference books or internet to look how each micoorganisms look like)
2) Oxford handbook of clinical medicine - You'll be using this book for long. you might still use this book even when you are already a doctor.
3) essential of Kumar and Clark clinical medicine - if you have oxford handbook. I dont hink it's necessary to buy this one also. the content are similar. choose eihter one don't both. This book are availabe in the library if you want to read them. The thick and the handbook versions. both are avalable and you can borrow them from the library.
4) Robbin Pathology - Not recommended (pricey and easily available in the library) 5) General ans Systemic pathology- Underwood (not recommended)

if you want to buy books, just the clinical microbiology make ridiculously simple andoxford handbook of clinical medicine or kumar and clark handbook- that's what our seniors told us and their seniors told them and I tell you guys :)

Those are the books I bought last year and I found them quite helpful and hope you would find them helpful as well. I hope this short note helps :)

P/s: This is only from my point of view and it might be different if you ask some other people. Do ask other seniors to get some more information as well. they might have some other better opinion than me.
